Advanced Traffic & Pollution Monitoring and Analysis System Based on GPS Trajectory Data, Air Quality Data and Engine Status Data collected from Taxis in Metro Manila

Principal Investigator: Proceso Fernandez
Other Researchers: Kardi Teknomo, Guillermo Paolo Agloro, Jr., Rafael B. Alampay, and Jeffrey J. Jongko

PedLab gets funded by DOST, in cooperation with SMART and AJWCC.

The smart traffic monitoring is greatly facilitated by the systematic development of baseline traffic monitoring systems and building on this platform newer system technologies and computer modelling. Through this project, we propose a leap frog program that begins with baseline OD data development and quickly, in the span of a few years, transition to a modern traffic understanding system by building an Advanced Traffic Monitoring and Analysis System for Metro Manila based on GPS trajectory tracking on public utility vehicles and government vehicles. The objective of the project is to provide baseline telematics system. The overall project goals are to induce efficient traffic flow and to improve traffic mobility in Metro Manila through a provision of public information regarding current and predicted traffic flow on major routes. Furthermore, the result of the project will enhance policy formulation among government agencies and universities in the Philippines through a provision of shared data for transportation planning and operation.

The smart telematics system will provide real-time traffic information. At the same time, because historical information is also available, the system can provide a more reliable traffic prediction